
人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit 8 is there a post office near here单元综合训练及答案
Unit 8 is there a post office near here
  • 单项填空
(   )1. ________. Where is the park, please?
A. Hello              B. Excuse me               C. Sorry              D. Hi
(   ) 2.—Is there a post office on Fifth Avenue?
—Yes, ________.
A. here is              B. they are                   C. it is                D. there is
(   )3. — ________ is the pay phone?
—It’s next to the post office.
A. When          B. Who                 C. Where               D. Why
(   )4. Welcome ________ my birthday party.
A. at                 B. in                      C. to                       D. /
(   )5. —There ________a football match on TV tonight. I can’t wait
   to watch it.
—Me, too. It’s ____ Guangzhou Evergrande and the Australian team Melbourne Victory.
A. will be; between   B. will be; both    
C. will have; between   D. will have; both
(   )6. —What’s on the desk?
—There ______ a pen, a book and two keys.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
(   )7. I think Kunming is a good place________. Do you think so?
A. visiting      B. visits      C. to visit    D. visit
(   )8. Mary likes drinking milk______ honey every morning.
A. and       B. with      C. in       D. has
(   )9. — Excuse me. Could you tell me the way _______ the nearest
— Go down the street and turn left. Then you’ll see it.
A. to     B. of       C. in      D. at
(   )10. —Is there a pay phone ______ the neighborhood?
—Yes, it’s______ Center Street______ the right.
   A. in; down; on B. on; on; is    
   C. in; on; is     D. on; down; on
  • 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子
1. The street isn’t q ________ but busy.
2. People Park is a good p________ to have fun.
3. The pay phone isn’t in front of the bank, it’s b________ the bank.
4. They v________ their grandparents every week.
5. Our house is b________ a school and a vegetable market.
6.The o________ man is 87.
7. The streets in New York are all very b________.
8. If we are hungry, we can go to the r________.
9. June is the s________ month of a year.
10. Class 1 is c________, but Class 2 is dirty.
  • 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空
1. I am watching my dog ________ (play) with a ball now.
2. Children often enjoy________(play)computer games.
3. ________ (take)a bus from Sixth Avenue and go down Bridge Street.
4. Walk down New Street and turn left at the first ________ (cross).
5. Do you want ________(buy)books?
  • 阅读理解
Mr. Brown lives on Green Street now. He wants to send a postcard(寄贺卡) to his pen pal in Toronto, but he doesn’t know where the post office is. “Which is the way to the post office?” he asks his new neighbor Joe. “I want to send a postcard to Toronto.” “The post office is quite far from here,” answers Joe. “If you only want to post some letters or postcards, you needn’t go to the post office. You can put them into a mailbox down the street.
(   )1. Where does Mr. Brown live now?
A. He lives on Center Street. B. He lives in Toronto.
C. He lives on Green Street. D. He lives in a post office.
(   )2. Where does Mr. Brown want to go?
A. A pen pal’s house. B. A post office
C. A mailbox.       D. Toronto.
(   )3. What does Mr. Brown want to do in the post office?
A. He wants to go to the mailbox.
B. He wants to buy some stamps.
C. He wants to send a postcard.
D. He wants to know the way to Toronto.
(   )4. Where is the post office?
A. We don’t know.               B. In Toronto.
C. On Green Street.              D. In the neighborhood.
(   )5. Where can Mr. Brown post the postcard in the neighborhood?
A. The post office. B. The mailbox in the post office.
C. His house. D. The mailbox on the street.
一、1-5 BDCCA  6-10 ACBAA
二、1. quiet  2. place  3. behind  4. visit  5. between       
6. old  7. busy  8. restaurant  9. sixth  10. clean.
三、1. playing  2. playing   3. Take   4. crossing  5. to buy  
四、1-5 CBCAD

人教新目标版七年级英语下册单元综合训练Unit 8 is there a post office near here



相关标签:  英语  

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